Published: 02 May 2020 in

Whilst we have no doubt you have full faith in your staff, asking them to politely enforce social distancing measures may be tricky to manage for some. This isn't us doubting the capability of your workforce, it simply means that interacting with the general public during these difficult times is a challenge and one that has a huge amount of responsibility riding on it.

Our security officers are already well-trained in crowd control measures, and we have, of course, ensured that they are equipped with the most up to date information when it comes to Covid-19 too. Therefore, a security presence can support your staff, allowing them to competently do their roles, whilst we take care of the social distancing side of things. They can help reduce stress at work, encourage a feeling of safety and demonstrate that you have their best interests at heart.

Ensuring social distancing inside your store

Hygiene and cleaning

  • You'll need to make sure that the cleaning of your store is both thorough and frequent. This includes providing hand sanitiser, as well as disinfectant wipes or sprays for things like trolley and basket handles.
  • You'll need to pay special attention to the cleaning of hot spots like door handles, keypads and handrails, for example.

Shop floor and till areas

  • Ensure there are clear signage and floor markings throughout the store, encouraging the 2-meter social distancing guidelines.
  • You may need to review the layout of your store to make sure that aisles are as clear as possible. This may mean removing promotional stands for the time being.
  • A one-way system might be effective in some cases, especially if you have a separate entrance and exit point.
  • Have regular announcements to remind your customers and staff of social distancing advice.
  • Erect physical barriers at til points using flex-plastic so those working on the tills have a protective barrier. You might also want to consider using every other till point if they are close together -- including self-service tills.
  • Leave doors open if possible to minimise the number of people that need to touch dor handles.
  • Encourage cashless purchases, and try to wipe things like keypads and touch screens in between each use.

Just like all businesses right now, we're fully prepared to all that it takes to keep the country safe and operating as best as it can during these uncertain times. We're fully invested in keeping our exceptional security officers and the general public safe, providing the same excellent quality security that our reputation depicts.

For more information on how we can provide a quality security service at your business during these difficult times, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

So, if you're currently looking for work due to implications of COVID-19, we are recruiting for Security Officers, Gate House Officers, Mobile Patrol Officers and Manned Guard-Reception Officers - for full-time and part-time positions. If you could picture yourself as working for one of the leading security companies in the UK, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!

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