Published: 22 May 2021 in

The weekend has arrived -- and it's one to definitely be excited about! For the first time in months and months, indoor dining and drinking are allowed with groups of up to 6 people. But it's better than that -- there isn't a curfew! For hospitality, this is a fantastic leap forward and we're thrilled to be back working alongside this vital industry.

There are few things to remember if you are hitting the town this weekend.

1. Track and trace is still in place

It's still a legal obligation for venues to require you to complete a track and trace form or use the NHS app when you enter their premises. Our door supervisors understand the importance of this and that without it, you wouldn't be able to open at all. Punters might be reluctant to do so or quite adamant that it isn't necessary, so allowing our door supervisors to handle this calmly and professionally takes the pressure off your staff.

2. Respect the rules of the venue, including face masks, one-way systems and table service

Hopefully, it won't be too long before all restrictions are lifted and people can socialise without needing specific government guidelines. Our security officers can be fully briefed by you before their shift to ensure they're clear on any specific regulations you have at your venue. This might be restricting entry numbers, making sure people have a booking before entering as well as being clear on any one way systems you have in place.

3. Stick to the 'Rule of Six'

Years of experience in the security industry means our door supervisors are well-versed when it comes to monitoring entrances and exits. Our keen eyes and inside knowledge makes it very difficult to people to slip under the radar. This is especially important at the moment with the 'rule of six' in place. Just as we wouldn't allow someone to enter an event with a ticket, we will ensure that this government rule is implemented effectively to reduce the risk of fines at your business from the local authorities.

4. Respect other people's space

Perhaps most important is encouraging others to respect boundaries and other people's space. Yes, hugging is now legally allowed, and no doubt after a few drinks some people may feel the need to embrace anyone and everyone! Although legally allowed, after a year of needing to social distance, not everyone will be comfortable with hugging just yet, and that's okay. Our security officers are ready to step in and de-escalate a situation should enthusiastic hugging become the cause of friction.

For more information on how we can support your business, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website or email us an up to date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract, we invest in training and we work hard to support our staff. We look forward to meeting you.

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