Published: 27 Jan 2022 in

We’ve recently been contracted to a local hospital to keep their site secure. Knowing the incredible work the NHS has done for our country over the past two years during the pandemic, makes us keen to be able to offer our expert services and keep their site secure.

Not only will we be providing security to keep staff, patients, and visitors safe, but we’ll also be contributing to keeping buildings and valuables safe as well, including the equipment that helps to save lives.

From discussing the needs of the hospital in question, it’s clear to see that the NHS takes security very seriously, and this can mean restricting access to visitors should additional control be required.
It might be that our Carter Security Officers will need to: 

•    Challenge visitors to ensure they’re permitted inside hospital grounds.
•    Ensure visitors sign in should that be required.
•    Exercise de-escalation and conflict management should an incident occur that needs professional assistance.
•    Contact the local authorities such as the police, or other emergency services, if required.
•    Monitor CCTV and potential thermal imagery cameras should they be installed on-site.
•    Patrol the outside of the hospital, including the car parks and wider grounds.

Hospitals are often placed over large sites with multiple car parks and entry points to both the site and the building. Hospitals also have several buildings across the site, each with a different set of risks to be considered when it comes to security. Where possible, we have placed clear signage showing that there is a trusted security provider in place to deter criminals and reduce the risk of crime. Our mobile patrols will be vigilant, understanding any particular areas of concern within the boundary perimeters and monitoring the multiple entrances to the hospital and surrounding buildings.

Hospital Security Signage

Perhaps more than most, our security officers working on hospital sites have to exercise excellent communication. By nature, hospitals can be a difficult location for friends and family to visit, and facing restrictions on entering could stir up many emotions. Our security officers therefore must be sensitive to their needs, whilst still maintaining their professionalism. It can be a delicate task, but one that Carter Security is well-experienced in.

We look forward to building a relationship with this particular client and continuing to enhance their security.

If you’re looking to further your career within the security industry, please check on our website or email us an up-to-date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract, we invest in training, and we work hard to support our staff. You will need to hold a valid SIA license before applying.

For more information on how we can support your security needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. We look forward to hearing from you.