Published: 16 Feb 2023 in

Tomorrow it’s Random Acts of Kindness Day, and that got us thinking. In order to be a trusted, professional, and competent security officer, first you must be kind.

Why does kindness matter to our clients?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that being ‘kind’ isn’t the first thing you’d necessarily think of that makes for a great quality in a security officer, but you’d be wrong. By protecting the assets of our clients, you’d need to understand the risks they’re facing which means they have invested in security in the first place. This level of understanding goes hand in hand with empathy, and wanting to do a good job in protecting their assets from crime.

Also, you need to factor in that our security guards become an extension of the teams of our clients. Whether they’re keyholders, mobile patrols or monitoring CCTV, Carter Security officers will quickly become a regular feature and recognised by all those that regularly visit. This might be an industrial site, retail facility, or construction site, no matter who our client is, their teams will know who we are, and being respectful and kind will lead to being trusted members of their teams also – an important factor in any professional relationship.

Why does kindness from security officers matter to members of the public?

Random acts of kindness are perhaps more familiar to door supervisors, or what you might know as ‘bouncers’, at clubs, bars and licensed gaming venues. Our security officers will always act with respect and professionalism when working with members of the public, and kindness to those who might find themselves in a vulnerable position is a given.

This is especially true when it comes to the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme.  ‘Ask for Angela' is a brilliant code-word campaign for people feeling unsafe in a venue. It allows both men and women to approach a member of staff, asking them to 'Ask for Angela'. This alerts the member of staff to know this person feels uncomfortable or unsafe and therefore needs a safe way out.

This member of staff could be someone behind the bar, a waiter or waitress, a manager, a door supervisor or a security guard. Every single one of our incredible security staff are aware of the 'Ask for Angela' campaign and know exactly how to discretely and effectively help anyone who approaches them with the code-words.

For more information on how we can support your business with quality security, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website or email us an up to date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract security guards, choosing instead to invest in training and we work hard to support our staff. We look forward to meeting you.

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