Published: 23 Dec 2021 in

Christmas has arrived at Carter Security HQ in Wisbech, and that means festive cheer, merriment, and reflecting on another incredible year with the Carter Security team.

However, when it comes to the security of your business, you mustn’t let your excitement about the season cloud your judgement. Crime rates at Christmas increase over 15%... but there are a few simple things you can do to reduce this risk.

Why is there increased crime over Christmas?

  • With darker, longer nights and the weather being so darn cold, intruders are given the perfect cover of darkness to try and break-in.
  • Any offices and workplaces are closed over the Christmas period, often made painfully obvious by the buildings looking derelict and quiet.
  • Like many businesses, you might be using social media to announce when your offices will be closed… this can easily be used against you, advertising to criminals when your business will be left empty.

How can you be aware and make changes to keep your business safer?

  • If you want to tell your followers on social media when your business will be closing, that’s absolutely fine – but be aware of the point above. What you could easily do is incorporate a thank you to your security provider for their security services over the festive period. This cleverly works in a number of ways:
    • It serves its primary purpose of letting your customers and suppliers know when your office is open.
    • Tagging a security provider lets any potential criminals know that you’ve invested in the safety of your business, and therefore it won’t be an easy target.
    • Using social media to tag local businesses such as your security provider is great practice and a good networking opportunity.
  • This leads us onto perhaps the most important point, and that’s choosing a security provider you trust to monitor your business whilst you’re enjoying your Christmas break.
  • Make sure all your access points such as gates, doors, and windows are undamaged, locked, and secure.
  • Check your CCTV cameras and alarm systems and that they’re all working properly.
  • Consider installing flood or sensor lights around the exterior of your business, this is an excellent deterrent.
  • Using timers can be a brilliant way to make it look as though someone is still working. You can set these up to automatically turn on and off your lights, and perhaps a radio, at different times of the day/night.
  • Hide or remove any excess packaging and boxes from deliveries. Not only will this make it much more pleasant when returning to work as everything has been tidied away, but to anyone peering through your windows, not having excess packaging reduces the thought that there might be a lot of valuables inside.

If you’re looking to further your career within the security industry, please check on our website or email us an up-to-date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract, we invest in training, and we work hard to support our staff. You will need to hold a valid SIA license before applying.

For more information on how we can work advise you on security at your business this winter, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. We look forward to hearing from you.


Merry Christmas from Carter Security