Published: 21 Jun 2024 in

Summer is a time for relaxation and holidays, but for businesses, it can also mean increased security risks. Employees taking annual leave might misplace keys, or keys could be borrowed and not returned promptly. This is where outsourcing your keyholding services to a trusted security provider like Carter Security becomes invaluable. With over 30 years of experience in the security industry, we understand the intricacies of keeping your premises safe, and our BS7984 accreditation ensures that your keys are secured off-site and only accessible with the consent of the manager on shift.

Why Choose Carter Security for Keyholding Services?

At Carter Security, we offer a professional keyholding service designed to provide peace of mind and enhanced security for your business. Our BS7984 accreditation is a testament to our commitment to excellence in keyholding services. This accreditation guarantees that your keys are stored securely off-site, away from potential threats, and only available to authorised personnel. By outsourcing your keyholding needs to us, you mitigate the risk of keys being lost, stolen, or misused during the summer holiday period when staff absences are more frequent.

In addition to keyholding, Carter Security offers a comprehensive alarm response service. In the event of a security breach at your premises, our alarm response team is deployed immediately in a highly visible, branded vehicle. This not only acts as a deterrent to potential intruders but also ensures a rapid and professional response. Our security officers are trained to handle various situations, from liaising with authorities to addressing any other issues that may arise. If necessary, our officers can use the securely stored keys to gain access to your premises, effectively managing the situation and restoring security.

Enhanced Safety and Reduced Liability

One of the significant advantages of our keyholding service is the removal of potential threats to you and your employees. In a security breach, it is not only inconvenient but also potentially dangerous for you or your staff to attend the site. By allowing Carter Security to manage your keyholding and alarm response, you ensure that trained professionals handle any security incidents, reducing the risk of harm and ensuring the safety of all involved.

With over three decades of experience, Carter Security has built a reputation for trust and professionalism. Our extensive knowledge and expertise in the security industry mean that we are well-equipped to handle any security challenges your business might face. We pride ourselves on delivering tailored security solutions that meet your specific needs, providing you with the peace of mind that your business is protected.

Don’t let the summer holidays compromise your business’s security. Outsource your keyholding services to Carter Security and benefit from our professional, accredited service. Contact us today to find out more about our tailored security solutions and how we can help safeguard your business. With Carter Security, you can enjoy your summer with the confidence that your premises are in safe hands.