Published: 16 Jul 2021 in

No matter what industry your business sits under, if you have a physical location, there will be security risks associated with it. But what are they and how can they be prevented?


The most common breach of security that a business can have is that trespassing. Having unauthorised individuals on your business site is a huge problem -- regardless of industry - that needs to be addressed quickly.

How have they gained access?

This should be the first thing you ask yourself. If your business premises is gated off, have they caused damage when they entered, or have they somehow managed to obtain a key or access code? The obvious reasoning for trespassing is theft or vandalism, but it could be a group of youths just looking to cause trouble, or perhaps someone more vulnerable, like a homeless individual looking for a quiet place to sleep. Regardless of the reasoning, trespassing is a crime, but it takes an experienced security officer to understand the most appropriate response and knowing how to solve the situation appropriately.

How can it be prevented?

As we've said time and time before, the best way to prevent crime is to invest in a security presence. Mobile patrols and manned guarding act as an excellent deterrent to crime, and not only this but they can lower your insurance premiums too.


When conducting a thorough risk assessment, understanding the value of your assets will greatly influence the type of security you invest in. You'll also need to consider where these assets are kept. If you're a corporate organisation, presumably your assets will be locked away inside an alarmed building, this differs greatly from construction sites where equipment and materials might be left out overnight. We can advise you on the best course of security depending on the individual needs of your business.


Even if nothing has been stolen, the act of deliberately damaging your building is devastating and costly. You need to ask yourself who might be responsible and why they felt the need to deface your property. It's a difficult situation, and one you'd no doubt rather avoid, which is why a security presence is often the best way forward.

How can it be prevented?

Having trained security professionals on-site may include CCTV surveillance. This means catching any vandalism on camera which could be used as evidence in court, but more importantly, it means being able to see the crime either before or as it's being committed and acting swiftly to resolve it before further damage is done.


The last example here is arson. Whether deliberate or not, fire on your property is not just incredibly dangerous, but it can also be incredibly damaging. Having a trained security officer(s) on-site can quickly assess the situation and notify the local fire service. An excellent example of this is with a recent situation that occurred on site of one of our clients Amey. You can read more about that here:

For more information on how we can work with you to provide a quality security service at your business, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. We look forward to hearing from you.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website or email us an up to date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract, we invest in training and we work hard to support our staff. We look forward to meeting you.

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