Published: 01 May 2021 in

With the government plan to turn 'generation rent' into 'generation buy', more and more housing developments are springing up all over the country. With the increased number of construction sites comes an increased risk of crime. Expensive materials and equipment will be left overnight and over the weekend, and with large areas of land left unattended, it could be a tempting target for some.

We can discuss your security requirements with you, and will more than likely recommend mobile patrols or manned guarding as a great solution.

What are mobile security patrols?

Mobile security patrols simply mean security guards that can move around your premises to ensure order and report any suspicious behaviour. This allows our security guards to offer security beyond their fixed locations.

Many larger sites already have CCTV in place, but it's important to consider the places that CCTV can't reach, or would be unable to properly monitor during the night when light levels are low. Our mobile patrol security service means you will have trained security guards on-site, ready to react to suspicious activity, doing regular patrols of your site, and monitoring your CCTV.

The size of the premises and your bespoke requirements will determine the frequency of which your site would be patrolled. We will work with you to secure a contract that works for you, allowing your contractors to arrive back on-site with everything exactly where they left it. If your business is operating on a tight budget, the lesser expensive mobile patrol service makes an excellent second choice to manned guarding. The security officers can range from 1 -- 5 per day/night.

Why choose CSS Ltd to provide security guard mobile patrols?

All of our security officers are SIA Licensed and we never subcontract. This means we can always ensure quality as we invest in our staff, and we will always choose the right security guard(s) with the necessary qualifications and experience to meet your needs. We understand that each contract is unique and will require a specific set of skills, this is especially important with mobile patrols and understanding the frequency that your premises should be patrolled, and how many security officers would be required.

All of CSS Ltd MPO (Mobile Patrol Officers) are deployed in a highly visible and branded security vehicle fitted with tracking systems that provide valuable data for time attendance and vehicle location. In addition to the tracker system, each vehicle is equipped with CCTV, which again acts as a great tool for recording evidence for any security breach, criminal damage and/or that the MPO may have found.

For more information on how we can support your business with our security consultancy service, please don't hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team.

Alternatively, if you're looking to further your career within the security industry, please check the careers section on our website or email us an up to date copy of your C.V. We never subcontract security guards, choosing instead to invest in training and we work hard to support our staff. We look forward to meeting you.

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