How can we keep your teams safe?
Securing large areas – whether that’s industrial sites, construction sites or retail parks (or others!) – can be a challenge if you don’t have a security provider you can trust.
Electric Vehicle 6
We’ve recently received two accreditations, the Alcumus SafeContractor Certificate of Accreditation, and the Constructionline Gold Member Certificate of Membership
Crime rates could increase by 14% this summer
You might be surprised to hear that actually crime rates can be 14% higher during the summer months.
Staff annual leave may leave your business vulnerable to crime
The holiday season is rapidly approaching, with more and more people booking time off work to escape for some much-needed rest and recuperation. What this means is your business may be left short-staffed, making it vulnerable to crime.
Start 2022 with a Security Presence Designed by a Security Expert
Our blog details four physical security threats and how can Carter Security help reduce the risk of them occurring at your business.