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COVID-19 Marshals are currently a vital cog in the wheel of the UK returning to 'normal' by the late summer. With the easing of lockdown rules now...
The coronavirus pandemic has been incredibly tough, but one thing we have seen is the community coming together. That might be through supermarket...
COVID-19 well and truly put a halt to events. It's been almost a year since the first national lockdown, and there have been no large-scale events...
Considering a role in the security industry isn't just a career choice, it's a lifestyle one -- and a rewarding one at that! As far as...
As we look towards the summer, we see the potential for the country to return to normal. For business owners, this means putting strategies in...
According to the government website 'the role of COVID-19 secure marshals or equivalents is not to enforce COVID-19 regulations or have any...
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Despite the excitement surrounding the release of the roadmap out of lockdown, it's still just as important to respect the current guidelines and...
Both personally and professionally, seeing the indefinite closure of the hospitality sector has been tough. If you think you've been missing your...
On Monday, the government will announce the latest updates, and everyone is hoping for a least a little bit of easing with current lockdown...
Every business in the country has been affected in some way or another by the global pandemic. As we approach a full 12 months of fighting...