Read about Carter Security Solutions, Carter Staffing Solutions, and Carter Consultancy Services, including company events, security industry news, and insights as well as career advice and recruitment solutions.

Our manned guarding and mobile patrol services are arguably the most effective when it comes to preventing crime at your place of business. Whilst...
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Is it worth the risk? Imagine arriving to work to find smashed windows, kicked in doors and various items stolen. Or worse, imaging...
Industrial sites tend to be away from residential areas, and they're known for having expensive machinery inside often poorly protected buildings....
Theft is one of the most common types of a security breach in the corporate world. Alongside accounting fraud and corruption, corporate security...
Every single one of our security officers holds a SIA license, and we never subcontract staff. These two factors combined ensures the service...
Crime happens everywhere. Whilst Carter Solutions and Services Limited focus on commercial security at your place of work, the truth is that crime...
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For many, the summer means attending festivals and gigs, but these events happen all year round and if you have a setting with great acoustics,...
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We've changed the way we recognise and reward our staff, making our monthly awards quarterly instead. We have also increased the prize to a £150...
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Homelessness is something that could happen to everyone, at any time. One minute you could have the keys to your own home, and the next you could...
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This morning presenters Ruth and Eamonn Holmes recently interviewed ex-burglar Michael Fraser, asking for his tips on how to protect your home. As...