Read about Carter Security Solutions, Carter Staffing Solutions, and Carter Consultancy Services, including company events, security industry news, and insights as well as career advice and recruitment solutions.

We are recruiting for SIA licensed security officers to join the Carter Security team, so if you’re looking to join a company that is known for its excellence, please get
Summer event security you can trust
Whether you're organising a music event, sporting event, an event for charity, or an event to support your business, it's time to consider organising your event security. Depending on your
We love nurturing existing relationships with our clients, and always want to be clear on setting expectations for new clients too. We hope this short guide provides a little insight
Proud to receive our Constructionline Gold membership
This membership demonstrates to our current and prospective clients that we have been subjected to increased scrutiny around the way we manage our business, including extensive risk management.
Deter Criminals with Door Supervisors, Alarm Response and CCTV management
One of our local hospitality venues recently suffered a break-in. In all in, it’s an expensive, stressful and emotional situation – one that could have been prevented had they invested
Ensure you have the right security support on hand when life gets in the way.
Our experience has taught us that crime levels can increase during bad weather, and there are a number of things that need to be taken into consideration.
Returning to Work Post COVID-19
CCTV, clear signage and manned guarding and mobiles patrols are all brilliant at deterring crime at your industrial site.
Seasonal security: how does winter security differ from summer security?
The main difference between security in the winter compared to the summer months is in the conditions that our security officers face.
Keeping hospitals safe and secure
We’ve recently been contracted to a local hospital to keep their site secure. Knowing the incredible work the NHS has done for our country over the past two years during